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Not sure if I have an eating disorder...

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Not sure if I have an eating disorder... Empty Not sure if I have an eating disorder...

Post by CatieW Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:24 am

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum, and not entirely sure if it's where I should be or not. I'm looking for opinions and advice to what may be an eating disorder, although doesn't fall under any of the exact definitions.
I have always had what I think is an unhealthy relationship with food. When I was a child I was very thin and was constantly teased for it. I ate whatever I wanted and never seemed to gain weight, although I wanted to just to fell normal and stop the teasing. Somewhere around age 25 I gained some weight. I am 5'8" tall and up until that point weighed around 115 pounds as an adult. I believe the highest I got up to was 137, at which point I knew I had to do something before it got out of control. The person that I was involved with at the time didn't help. He constantly told me that I was "perfect" before when I was 115, but at that time was up to 127 and "needed to hit the gym." I was told that I had "disgusting fat rolls" when I at down on the couch. This was the person that was supposed to love me no matter what, but I felt like he was attacking me. I initially got angry, but then proceeded to join the gym and start taking CLA and green tea supplements to lose weight. I counted every calorie, portioned out everything and installed a calorie counter app on my phone to keep track. It was set at 1200 calories per day and I didn't go over. It worked great! I lost a bunch of weight and got back down to 114. I was stronger and had muscles now too. I felt good. People told me I looked good too, which of course only proceeded to re-inforce my way of thinking. I was always (and still am) afraid that I would grow up to be like my sisters and mom; they were all thin when they were younger, but are now overweight and have various health problems because of it. I left the man that I was with and am in a much better relationship now; he supports me and wants me to be healthy, not underweight. I still constantly think about my weight though. I look in the mirror every morning when I get out of the shower and critique my belly. Recently we moved across the country and I wasn't eating well for about a week. Prior to this I wasn't feeling good about myself. I felt fat and bloated, even though I was only at about 129 pounds max. Since not eating right though, I lost weight and now feel better about myself. I want to stay this way. I eat but not tons, and I try to avoid fast food if possible. I admit I often skip meals, but I feel so much better when I have on jeans and when I wake up in the morning. I want to stay this way. I feel like I have always been obsessed in one way or another about my weight, and I honestly don't know if it's a disorder or not. My current weight is about 123 pounds, and if I get on the scale and have lost weight I get happy. I also feel happy if I have been sick, or as was the case when we moved, unable to eat much and consequently lose weight. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I just over-thinking things or do I have a problem that I should be dealing with? The trouble is, I honestly don't know if I'll ever feel good about myself if I allow myself to gain weight. And I will not increase the size of my clothes to accomodate it. If I don't fit into my clothes then I will do what I can (if not right away then soon) to rectify it. Please, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Sometimes I feel like this is all I think about, but when I look up definitions of eating disorders I don't really fit into any categories. Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to give as much detail as possible. Thanks for reading Smile


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